Fixing fence...again. Bad, bad coos! They like to rub on everything. Before my daughter and I added these panels, they had this fence down to our knees.
A few more pictures of our cattle. There's nothing cuter than a newborn Highland calf. This is Max, our very first purebred Scottish Highland calf with his mother BeeGee.

Here is a picture of Duncan, Cinnamon and their calf, Arthur. Artie was born only two days after Max and they became great friends. Duncan was still quite young here himself.

Artie and Max with Cinnamon

We didn't get our first white calf until the third year, and then 2 more white ones followed.
This is Angel and her first calf, Elaina

A list of our cows (some sold, some still here)
Faye (born 10/31/01) Half Scottish Highland-half red Angus Here with her first calf, Fred.
She was a good mother but I didn't like her personality. She's gone now.
BeeGee (born 06/13/02) Here with her first calf, Max.
She was the bossiest. She had 3 nice calves before we sold her.
She was the bossiest. She had 3 nice calves before we sold her.

Cinnamon (born 09/02/02) Here with her first calf, Arthur.
She was very sweet and also had 3 calves before we sold her.

Erin (born 12/03/02) Here with her first calf, Anna.
She's the prettiest and has had 7 calves so far (sadly the last one died).

She was very sweet and also had 3 calves before we sold her.

Erin (born 12/03/02) Here with her first calf, Anna.
She's the prettiest and has had 7 calves so far (sadly the last one died).

Buttercup (born 04/19/03) Here with her 3rd calf, Poohface.
She is a loner and at the bottom of the pecking order (surprisingly)
She has also had 7 calves but lost the last one.

Spice (born 04/26/03) Here with her first calf, John.
She is the bully, but the best mom of any we've had. She's had 6 calves so far.

Angel (born 07/09/03) Here with her first calf, Alaina.
She was our very first Highland heifer and is also my favorite.
She's had 5 calves so far.

Aurora (born 10/03/03) Here with her first calf, Snow.
She was a beggar-loved pancakes and bread out of our hands.
She had 4 calves before we sold her.

Sugar (born 10/23/03) She was still young here.
She was a so cute. She had 2 calves before she was sold.

Duncan, bull (born 04/18/03) Here with my husband.
Wooly bully. Sweet most of the time, but a word of warning: Never trust a bull.