The animals

All of the animals around

Our Cats
Ty and Rosie on the new rock bench. My husband and I made this bench on our anniversary with the help of my daughter. We call it the Anniversary bench for obvious reasons. Too bad Ty was being anti-social in this picture since it's so difficult to get Rosie to sit still.

Poppy on the patio by a poppy

Poppy in the box. Why do cats like boxes so much?

We have a couch on the porch (doesn't everybody!) and Poppy, the indoor princess was not happy. She did not want to be outside with the 'outdoor' cats.  Rosie and Ty merely ignored her like they always do.
Our wonderful old boy, Ty is gone now.
Since then we got 2 more kitties.

Sage came to live with us in July of 2011 (we got her free from a flea market)

Meeting Poppy for the first time. Yes, they're still enemies.

Sage is quite unique

My husband says we should have left her at the flea market.

Since Sage and Poppy are both indoor cats, we needed a new outside companion for Rosie after Ty died. That was when we got Kimmy. Kimmy joined our family in December of 2011.

She gets along great with Rosie and Sage.

Okay, well she gets along with them most of the time.

Hunting cat
My daughter's cat, Recon came to visit us in November during hunting season one year.
He had NO idea what he was lying next to.

The Chickens
The numbers change constantly but at this moment we have 3 separate coops of chickens.
This is the front coop with the 'old' chickens.

In the addition behind that coop is the silky coop (which still needs paint).

Then there is the 'back' coop (new this summer-'12) and as of yet, unfinished. Heed the smart chicken owner's words when they say, "Build the coop before you buy the chicks."
Yes, they grow extremely fast.

Of course we still use the old, ugly-(really ugly) chicken coop that has water running through it every spring. It now houses the guineas.

Here they are on their first day-so cute!

Oh, look-the nasty old coop actually looks pretty in this picture!


Our horse, Colonel
I miss Colonel. The pasture just isn't the same without him out there bossing the cows around. He was even the boss over our Bull, Duncan. He was hard on fences (leaning them down to knee level to get to the 'greener' grass on the other side) but I would have him back in a moment if I could.

Taking a nap in the snow (taken in '08)

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