Normally I don't put much birdseed out in summer, mainly just thistle seed for the finches. But since I did not get out to feed the birds this winter as much as I should have-could have-wanted to, I ended up with a lot of extra food this spring. So 'what-the-heck' it's taking up space in my cabinet, why not feed them.
Wow, what a difference from the normal winter birds that visit my feeders. Here are a few.
Rose-breasted grosbeak pair
Goldfinch pair
Red and gold finches
Gray Catbirds
Brown-headed cowbirds
(By the way... cowbirds are lazy, they let others raise their young.)
Male cardinal and house sparrows
Male goldfinch in a maple tree
And look at the maple buds. This was taken yesterday. Usually by now we have leaves on the trees.